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SOTS in the 2022 Sonic Seducer Battle Of The Bands and Cover CD 

SOTS is once again on the Cover CD of the December issue of Sonic Seducer, Europe's largest dark-alternative magazine! Hey, we are dark alternative? Ok, I'll take it! Gonna slip right into my coffin after I finish writing this. I'd be done faster but my cloak keeps getting in the way. Anyways, I digress - that actually means we need votes to win this thing. So please, please, please warm our cold dark hearts and vote! It's in German, but if you use a desktop browser you can get a reasonably hilarious translation out of Google. While you're voting for us, why not put Elena's name in the best "frontfrau" slot overall? Firstly because she is, and secondly so we can truly never stop calling her our frontfrau. Eventually, violence will ensue. And a good time will be had by all!


In The Studio 

SOTS returns to Toronto's legendary Phase On Studios on December 17th - recording with our favourite sonic wizard Darius Szczepaniak. This time we are recording our heaviest and biggest song yet - Vengeance. We can't wait for you to hear this one. Sometimes our music has been hard to classify. In some ways this is no exception, as it combines so many of the things we love and doesn't stay *too* neatly in genre boundaries, or artificial boundaries at least. But make no mistake: this will be heavy. Very heavy.